Our CornFest

What is the FEZtival of Trees?

The FEZtival of Trees is a family-friendly Christmas Tree decoration experience held by El Zaribah Shriners, which brings together families, neighbors, businesses and community partners to celebrate the many joys of Christmas, while holding true to the generous spirit of the holidays! 


How Does it Work?

The FEZtival is a public event where local businesses and organizations donate fully decorated Christmas Trees that are displayed and raffled off to the public. Each tree winner will receive their very own uniquely decorated Christmas Tree, PLUS all of the gifts contained on and under the tree. Values will range based upon decor and gifts chosen by each Tree Sponsor.

Become a Tree Sponsor

The success of the FEZtival of Trees is directly tied to the support of surrounding community organizations and businesses. Your business or organization will be prominently displayed with your tree and you will help raise funds for a World Class philanthropic organization. 

What is the CornFest?

The El Zaribah Annual CornFest is a fun-filled atmosphere where vendors sell hand-made items that are unique and of extraordinary high quality. In addition to having the opportunity to buy these unique gifts, the public has an opportunity to come and enjoy a fantastic lunch with some of the sweetest corn the family will ever encounter! 

Become a Vendor!

Are you interested in selling your hand-made quality products? Then you have come to the right place! The El Zaribah Arts and Crafts Festival offers an enjoyable fun-filled family atmosphere in an indoor, air-conditioned facility! Simply fill out an application and send to our offices today!

Want to learn more about other Arts and Crafts Festivals in your area? Check out other events on Festivalnet.com

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The Top Source for Craft Shows!


We are thrilled that your Business is looking to attend the 30th Annual CornFest Arts and Crafts Festival event!

Here are the benefits:

  • An air-conditioned indoor facility to sell your high quality goods and products!
  • Enjoy a family-filled atmosphere in a safe and secure setting!
  • Have an opportunity to enjoy some of the best sweet corn you have ever tasted!
  • Your contribution will help raise funds for a World Class philanthropic organization!

Paying by Credit Card: Once you download and fill in your form, simply email the completed form to the following email address: office@el-zaribah.org 

Paying by Check: Please mail your application to El Zaribah Shrine

502 North 4oth Street, Phoenix, AZ  85008.

About Us


Shriners consist of a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. There are approximately 309,000 members from 195 chapters in the United States, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Republic of Panama, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines. We are a gathering of good men of character who enjoy camaraderie while supporting 22 Shrine Hospitals for Children. We participate in Shrine activities and civic parades with our legion of honor flag bearers, motorcycles, cars, and other great units. 

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Hours Of Operation


The public is invited to enjoy our CornFest Arts and Crafts Festival during the following periods:

Saturday Aug 20th    10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sunday Aug 21st    10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 

THANK YOU for your Attendance!

Contact Us

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Phone: 602-231-0300

ADDRESS: 502 North 4oth Street, Phoenix, AZ  85008

EMail Address: Office@el-zaribah.org

Address: 502 N. 4oth Street

Phoenix, AZ  85008

Phone: 602-231-0300

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